Friday, June 30, 2006

Again With the Crafty Procrastinating

I am trying to write a thesis on stuff about America and nationalism and foreign policy. I also work part-time, teach part-time, and I sometimes work as a research assistant.

Each week there are precious few moments left where I can work on my own research and writing.

I treasure those moments.
In order to be as productive and time efficient as possible it is important to make my environment as conducive to scholarlyness as possible.
I make a pot of tea.
I put on the soundtrack to Waking Life (excellent writing music by the way).
I curl up on the couch with my blanket, books, pens, post-it-notes, journal, and laptop.

And then I start doing this:

I’ve also just taught myself to crochet. I figure when I finally crash and burn and don’t actually end up eradicating all global conflict, poverty, disease and violence, I will be able to support myself and my brood of chubby babies by knitting.

I’ll start like this:

You know, knitting for a cause. Perhaps not the cause in the above picture though, more like world peace. I'll start the


And then I'll probably end up like this:

For any and all who, in their search for more creative ways to procrastinate (and have already washed your entire collection of tea canisters) I heartily recommend you give knitting a go.


Blogger Erica said...

I gave it a go a few years ago, and then ended up taking it up as a full time profession. So now I need to find things to procrastinate my knitting!

My friend Hooch pointed me to your blog, and it's great to see that I'm not the only procrastinator.

5:18 PM  
Blogger audrey said...

My favoured form of procrastination is to alphabetise my books. I can never get through very many though because I always stop to read little bits here and there. I also like to take hot showers under the guise of 'warming the blood'. I did try knitting to quit smoking and managed to get as far as a half made scarf.

8:46 PM  
Blogger canoe said...

Erica I'm terribly impressed you made knitting your livelyhood. Another great form of procrastination is, of course, having a blog.

Andrey, I've tried re-organising my book collection too. I usually don't get past trying to decide if I should alphabetise, or organise by genre. And in order to know which one is best I have to try out both systems, which of course takes the best part of a day. Much more fun than cleaning tea canisters.

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur on the awesomeness of knitting (my scarf ended up being twice as tall of me, and then there was no more wool)

6:27 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

I'd love to make blogging - well writing - into a livelihood too. But that's something I don't know how to go about doing.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Fluffy said...

I like to order my books by colour. I realised at some point I would often forget the author's name but always remembered what colour the spine was.

Knitting - don't get me started. A lot of wool has been turned into a lot of misshappen stuff in the name of my OCD.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Sponge Girl said...

Dear Canoe,

I feel compelled to write to you, because I believe that you are in fact me - in the future.

I, too, do my darndest to procrastinate from the thesis from hell, though am not quite involved in teaching and its associated joys yet. But second semester is soon upon us...

So, given that you have already experienced this part of my life that troubles me so, I would like to ask -

what exactly is wrong with me? Why can't I just write the damn thing?

Also - how come I never learn to make my beanies big enough, why do I start furiously casting off before it's long enough to cover one's ears (even a baby's - I've tested)?

Why, Canoe, why?

Much love,
Sponge Girl

3:03 PM  
Blogger canoe said...

Megan, you made a Dr Who scarf. Dr Who scarves are terribly cool. Not entirely practical but wonderful all the same.

Erica, I think I'd like to make my living by drinking cups of tea and reading lovely books.

Fluffy, do people vecome more ocd as they get older? It's starting to become a serious problem and there's only so long I can conceal it behind a crochet hook and a well organised bookcase.

Sponge Girl, the first question is difficult to answer. I can't imagine anything else I'd rather be doing than working on a thesis, and yet, when it comes to sitting down for five minutes and actually writing, my brain shrivells up and the cleaning the bathroom looks so appealing. I know that doesn't really answer the question but I'll let you know if I figure it out.

The second question I think has something to do with my rapidly developing ocd. The desire to cast off is a difficult one to resist. In my case it's the need for instant gratification. I want my beanie NOW DAMN IT.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is true, I did indeed make a Doctor Who scarf - I'd kind of intended to make it a bit shorter, and more manageable. But I was just enjoying the knitting, and it got longer and longer, and people started commenting, but still I kept knitting. It's just the right length to be authentic though, and was fantastic thesis procrastination (and I feel your thesis pain, I'm supposed to be handing in by the end of this year at the latest, which is why I keep following links around the internet and leaving random comments on peoples blogs).

9:49 PM  
Blogger canoe said...

Megan, I am in awe that you've made it so far with your thesis. I'm struggling through my second year part-time. The problem with the blog thing is that as long as I read something mildly related to US foreign policy I can convince myself I'm actually doing work. Ha!

Good luck with yours.

10:55 AM  

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