Friday, April 07, 2006

WARNING: Walk On Water At Own Risk

It seems some pesky scientists have come up with a scientific explanation for how Jesus may have managed to walk on water. Understandably, this has caused some distress among the faithful.

Personally, I've never managed to understand what all the fuss was about. Faith, by its nature, transcends everyday mundane phenomena, so surely it should be able to withstand the prodding and poking of scientists.
Not being an overly faithful person myself, I tend to trust the laws of science and am mindful of Jeff Goldblum's tragic end. With this in mind I like to get around as nature intended. In a canoe. When it comes to aquatic activites one can never be too careful.

(Picture courtesy of the wonderful Munkey)

On the subject of faith I'd like to leave you with some words from the brilliant and highly underrated film, The Favour, the Watch, and the Very Big Fish:

"I mean, I've got my doubts. I'm not totally convinced about God. If He's there, He's there. If He's not, He's not. In fact, if He is there at least I can say I've done more for Him than He's done for me. He's performed no miracles for me, my friend. "Cast thy bread upon the waters and it shall be returned to you a thousand-fold." But what can you do with a thousand loaves of wet bread?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget Jeff Goldblum's tragic end as Seth Brundle in "The Fly". A cautionary tale on the dire consequences of scientists prodding and poking if ever there was one...

10:10 AM  
Blogger unique_stephen said...

If you like canoes you could try canoe polo, or actually kayak polo. be cautious tho' its not like other contact sports, people use canoes when they tackle you!

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so going straight to hell...

11:47 AM  
Blogger DAVE BONES said...

totally with you on the god thing.

10:23 AM  

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